Codefight CMS version 1.2.0 is now available for download

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on April 18, 2010


This weekend i spent really lot of time fixing and upgrading codefight cms (backend). And, i am so happy with the outcome. Still a lot of feature addition is remaining. I have finished changing the skin of the backend and updated code for better management.

Dark green is replaced with blue, grey and other colors. Moved left menu to top. Fixed some other CSS.

Codeigniter version 2.0 is in the oven for baking now, so i'll be adding more features and test compatibility with that version soon. I hope you like this new version. Please post some feedback, feature requests, bugs on tenthweb forum.

One screenshot of new skin.

Screenshot of codefight cms


Codefight CMS version 1.1.4 is now released

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on November 22, 2009


As usual new release contains few bug fixes. Also, it now supports PHP 5.3. Plus, its now compatible with Codeigniter Version 1.7.2.

I am working on banner manager and have attached the draft copy which now supports inserting html or other scripts. There are other fields as well but they are not connected yet. You can insert banners to the blog post easily by adding {{ banner id}}. No space before banner, I had to put space here in post, otherwise it will parse the tag and insert the banner here or if not found, it will just remove the tag.

Now templating is much more easier. I haven't used any template parser to make it easy for every PHP programmer. With just few lines of code in the template and new CSS file will give you the site you want in very short time.


version 1.1.2 released and is available for download

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on June 10, 2009


codefight CMS Version 1.1.2 is released. It is available for download through google code. This includes few css and minor layout fixes only.
