Codefight CMS Version is now released.

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on April 23, 2012


New version of Codefight CMS has just gone live. It's numbered as and named as 'Codeigniter CMS'. Finally, I decided to dedicate name to Codeigniter :)

This version includes bug fix for group permission. Also, now it's possible to give/deny permission to any page's function for certain group without listing it as a menu. It will still appear on permission list, so you give permission to perform the action, but it won't serve as a top menu on admin.

Also, I have slightly modified the helper of language file. default_lang.php file will always load. So, you can set global translation there. But if you want to load certain file for certain controllers then, on your controller just set the language file as:


Then, You can use translation helper function to translate text, that you have supplied on your translation file.

So, instead of:


now, you will be writing

<label><?php echo __('Name') ?>:</label>

If you don't want to type echo then just add one extra underscore as:

<label><?php ___('Name') ?>:</label>

Hope you like it.

not published on website

QR Code: Codefight CMS Version is now released.