Codefight CMS TinyMCE VideoJS is now released

Posted by Damodar Bashyal on October 05, 2016


New version of codefight cms has been released and is now available for you to download at github repository.

Latest version is tagged as `TinyMCE VideoJS`. From the name you must have understood, that we have upgraded tinymce probably first time since first used in this open source codeigniter based php content management system. Also, we have now added support for videojs youtube video embed in static and blog pages.

Just use this to embed video anywhere on page:

NOTE: don't worry if you find <br/> or <p/> tags in-between, it's been taken care of.

{{parse-video [

Currently supported params are: src, id, height and width.

Other changes are:

* utilised twitter bootstrap to create new admin menu.
* added autocomplete hints for IDE
* made v4-tease dynamic (create a teaser link from menu)
* started to move logs to base writable folder as in upcoming new codeigniter version

And, Yes we still love codeigniter and codefight cms tries to keep up with latest codeigniter version.

new codefight cms

not published on website

QR Code: Codefight CMS TinyMCE VideoJS is now released